The Family Asclepiadaceae
The genus name, Asclepias, derives from the Greek god and healer, Asclepios. The Roman god of healing and medicine was named Aesculapius, and there...
The Other Monarchs on our Hill
In early October, I’m monitoring larvae in all stages on the narrow-leaf milkweed that grows in several large stands on my property. But Monarchs...
Our “Torties”: California Tortoiseshell Butterflies
I’m seeing more California Tortoiseshells (Nymphalis californica) than usual; it’s a high population year for these butterflies! During the summer...
An Ode to Elderberries
Elderberries and Other Native Fruits of Summer California native plants provided a rich and varied diet for the native peoples; this is a flora of...
Butterfly Gardening with Nonnative Nectar Plants
One great way to get a butterfly garden started is to plant a really good nectar providing species; and then observe the butterflies that come into...
Some California Native Perennials and Shrubs to Grow from Seed
Linum lewisii A beautiful Western perennial, perfect for the border or in a meadow blended with bunchgrasses, poppies, clarkia and flowering bulbs....
Some California Native Wildflowers to Grow from Seed
All of these native annual wildflowers are great for pollinators and other beneficial insects! Clarkia unguiculata / Mountain Garland The blooms of...
Growing Milkweed From Seed
Milkweed for the Monarch Butterflies Asclepias fascicularis Milkweeds provide important resources for many beneficial creatures, including Monarch...
Useful Nonnative Weeds
I’d bet that we’re all pretty happy that the rainy season is over and cherishing the beautiful sunny days. With a good layer of mulch to help retain...
Snowberries and A Bumblebee Mimic
I’m experiencing a love-hate relationship with the rains as they continue, with so few dry days in between for the outdoor activities that are...
Making Space for Weeds
The Flickers have now left my oak woodlands and moved to higher elevations in the Coast Ranges; I’ll look forward to seeing them again when we’re...
Gardening in Harmony with Nature
The Natural World has been my touchstone; a certain intimacy with the land and other creatures that always rings honest and true. When I think about...