Tarweed is in full bloom from late summer through fall, providing pollen and nectar when little else is available for bees and beneficial insects. A great choice with asters, goldenrod and grasses; heavy bloomer, reseeds readily. Usually 4 to 6 ft. tall, full sun,...
This species of Gilia is unique to California and very easy to grow. Each plant yields hundreds of half-inch flowers on upright stems surrounded by soft, lacy foliage. Gilia is very attractive to bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. Spring blooms, low...
The red and yellow flowers of the native Columbines rise up on graceful stems from basal clusters of beautiful lacey foliage. Columbines are at home streamside, and in the light shade of a forest garden. The plant can adjust to full sun, or partial shade, and...
Gilias are easy to grow, and will happily reseed when conditions are right! Annual wildflowers often mingle with other wildflowers in the Grasslands and sun spots in the Oak Woodlands. Plant them amongst bunchgrasses in the garden; and use wildflowers to...
Phacleias are one of the very best bee forage plants! The flowers bloom in early summer, and also attract many other beneficial insects. Plant them anywhere you need the service of pollinators; they create a beautiful and beneficial understory in a fruit...