Plant Sourcing

Ways to get a particular plant that you want for your habitat garden: 1. purchase from a reputable grower or commercial nursery; 2. grow the plants from seeds; or 3. clone or divide new plants from established plants. Read on for the pros and cons of each of these options.


growing a plant from seed

What is a Seed?
Starting Plants from Seed
Sowing Your Seeds

new plants from exiting plants

Growing Plants from Cuttings
Creating Plants by Division


Creating a Meadow Garden

Creating a Meadow Garden

The days are still warm and we’re all hoping, once again, that this will be an El Niño year with ample rainfall and a good snow pack in the Sierras. The days are noticeably shorter, and the evenings are much cooler. The shorter day length is a cue to many native...
How Does a Seed Form?

How Does a Seed Form?

The flowers of a plant are designed for the purpose of making seeds. If a flower is pollinated, then fertilization can take place, and a seed develops in the ovary of the plant. This is sexual reproduction, and ensures genetic diversity. As the fertilized seed...
Helping Seeds Sprout

Helping Seeds Sprout

Some seeds have built-in mechanisms that prevent germination until ideal conditions are met. Even when perfect conditions are met, some of the ‘seed bank’ of a species will not germinate. They will wait, often camouflaged in the duff, as an insurance policy against a...
Some Natural Types of Seed Pre-Conditioning

Some Natural Types of Seed Pre-Conditioning

Whenever I’m out collecting I always keep it foremost in my mind that seeds are food for all sorts of insects and other invertebrates, for birds, rodents and other mammals, and food for humans! When I gather toyon berries in December, I take just a handful from...


I’ve always had a fascination with fecundity; a desire to make more of something, especially when an  abundance of possibilities is so obvious.  Plants offer so many opportunities to be fruitful. Now, with plenty of space at our new nursery, and access to...