Early Bird Sale!

Additional Child for Nature Explorers Camp – 1st-5th graders (ages 6-10)


Sold out!
email: [email protected] to be placed on the waitlist.

$170 for 2nd child for one week
Early bird pricing, until February 23, 2025
$235/week regular rate for camps 6-10 years old. July 21-25

$170 for 2nd child for one week
Early bird pricing, until February 23, 2025
$235/week regular rate for camps 6-10 years old. July 28-Aug 1

$300 for 2 weeks.
Early bird pricing, until February 23, 2025
$425 for 2 weeks regular rate camp July 21-Aug 1

Fill out Registration form

Your registration is not complete until you have paid and filled out a registration form and liability waiver for each child.

SKU: N/A Category:


Sold out!
email: [email protected] to be placed on the waitlist.

Fill out Registration Form

Your registration is not complete until you have paid and filled out a registration form and liability waiver for each child.

Additional information


Week 1 July 21-25, Week 2 July 28-Aug 1, Both Weeks July 21-Aug1