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Living with Deer, Part 3
It’s a beautiful thing to watch the deer, a number of the does heavily pregnant, browsing at the meadow’s edge, and not at all disturbed by the rainfall. They’re eating the clovers and vetches in the grasslands, taking the leaves from the soap lilies and blue dicks,...
Planting Natives in Deer Country
Now that fall is soon upon us, and hopefully the rainy season as well, the time is perfect to plant California natives. Many gardeners have issues and great frustration with the deer interfering with their planting plans. I happen to love and respect these...
Living with Deer, Part 2
A Paradise ruled by Queen Calafia Two major human caused environmental disasters drastically changed the natural world of a land that was long ago described as a mythical island; a terrestrial paradise ruled by a statuesque and beautiful queen named Calafia. The first...