Seed Collecting
annual eventBees and Other PollinatorsBirdsButterfliesChildren activitiesClasseseco friendly garden tourEventfoxfoxesFruits and Berriesgarden restorationgarden tourGardening with WildlifeGrowing Plants from SeedHabitat GardeningHarmony with NatureHome LandscapingMonarchs and MilkweedNative Plant Communitiesnative plantsPlant Nurseryplant salePropagating PlantsSeed CollectingSummer CampTending Your GardenUseful Nonnative PlantsWater conservationWatershed Approach to LandscapingWildflowerswildlife

Collecting Seeds
As a propagator, I often try different approaches to germinating seeds of certain species. Sometimes I get such a definitely positive response to one pre-treatment method, that it becomes the one I’ll always use—like soaking toyon seeds for just one hour before...