Useful Nonnative Plants
annual eventBees and Other PollinatorsBirdsButterfliesChildren activitiesClasseseco friendly garden tourEventfoxfoxesFruits and Berriesgarden restorationgarden tourGardening with WildlifeGrowing Plants from SeedHabitat GardeningHarmony with NatureHome LandscapingMonarchs and MilkweedNative Plant Communitiesnative plantsPlant Nurseryplant salePropagating PlantsSeed CollectingSummer CampTending Your GardenUseful Nonnative PlantsWater conservationWatershed Approach to LandscapingWildflowerswildlife

Thinking About Weeds and Wildflowers
Micro-Habitats; Knowing Your Land My husband and I live on a south facing hillside situated above the Novato Creek floodplains; it’s a beautiful, warm, and sunny spot with a great vantage point. Our hill, called Cherry Hill on some maps, is a part of one of the ridges...
Butterfly Gardening with Nonnative Nectar Plants
One great way to get a butterfly garden started is to plant a really good nectar providing species; and then observe the butterflies that come into your garden to feed. This will be a good indication of which butterfly species are already present in the general area....
Useful Nonnative Weeds
I’d bet that we’re all pretty happy that the rainy season is over and cherishing the beautiful sunny days. With a good layer of mulch to help retain moisture in the soil, plus the warm days, plants are now putting on growth that can almost be measured day by day! Over...
Making Space for Weeds
The Flickers have now left my oak woodlands and moved to higher elevations in the Coast Ranges; I’ll look forward to seeing them again when we’re camping in the forests this summer. Meanwhile, the Tree Swallows are here already and I’m waiting to hear the first calls...